
  • Visit aka.ms/remoteconnect or https://aka.ms/Remoteconnect on your browser.
  • Enter the 8 digit code from your App or Device screen.
  • Click Next.

Where to enter https //aka.ms/remoteconnect code?

Follow steps to Connect to your Microsoft Account using aka.ms/remoteconnect

  • Launch Minecraft Game on your device.
  • Choose ‘Sign in using an account with Microsoft login‘.
  • You will see an unique 8 digit code on your screen.
  • Visit aka.ms/remoteconnect using any browser.
  • Enter the code.
  • Select Next.
  • Log into your Microsoft Live Account to link the two accounts.

What is https //aka.ms/remoteconnect?

Minecraft players visit this website (https aka ms remoteconnect) to smoothly play the game on Nintendo or PS4 using code. aka.ms/remoteconnect allows you to connect with others Minecraft players on other devices that you own. A lot of players choose to switch to a different device because they aren’t enjoying many features. You could be affected by this issue if you switch your console, say to PS4 or Xbox XBOX.

How do I find https aka ms remoteconnect code?

You’ll need to sign into your Microsoft account to be able to access Minecraft on your computer. Navigate towards Minecraft’s main menu. Minecraft games main menu, and select ‘Sign in with a Microsoft account. On your screen, you’ll see 8 digits code. You can then go to aka.ms/remoteconnect which will prompt you to enter the code. You’ll be able to login to the account of your Microsoft accounts after entering that code.

How do I add my Friends with Microsoft Account?

  1. After you have successfully logged to the Microsoft account, select play to open your Minecraft Game home screen.
  2. Switch towards the right to open the tab ‘Friends.
  3. Click on ‘Add Friend’.
  4. Find your acquaintances through their Microsoft gamer tags one at a time, one by one.

Link your Microsoft account using https aka ms remoteconnect

  • You must start by visiting the Minecraft game’s home screen.
  • Click Sign in with your Microsoft account.
  • The screen will provide you with an 8-digit number.
  • To enter the code, go to the https://aka.ms/remoteconnect web page.
  • When you’ve entered your code in box then click next.
  • Connect to the Microsoft accounts, you can start playing Minecraft with PlayStation4

Steps to setup RemoteConnect for Nintendo Switch

  • Open Switch eShop on Nintendo Switch.
  • Search for Minecraft using the search bar .
  • Install the game (or purchase it if haven’t yet).
  • After the game has been downloaded, launch the game.
  • Click on sign in with the Microsoft account available at the bottom left of the screen at aka.ms/remoteconnect Nintendo Switch.
  • Enter the code then click Next.
  • Remote connect will then log in to your account that is available on Nintendo Switch.

Official link – https://login.live.com/oauth20_remoteconnect.srf


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